Ops Briefing At Yakun Eastpoint Mall
The plan is this, we’ll go for the Kintsugi workshop – 4 of us, LC and wife, Minmin and Liangliang. It’d be suspicious if William came along, so his role (the most important) would be to collect the flowers nearby (planned and pre-ordered of course), then sit and wait for us to finish the workshop. Some time midway into the course, I will then find some excuse and go to the toilet. When in fact, William will be waiting for me with my flowers, my formal clothes and my proposal ring. It will then be some time during the end of the Kintsugi workshop that I’ll make the move and do my proposal.

On this rainy morning, I went to pick my buddies @w.p.ictures and @lc.lan.84 from their place. Luckily they live nearby. It was like 8am in the freaking morning, but what needs to be done needs to be done. Ops briefing was at Yakun Eastpoint Mall. Sorry guys for making you wake up so early for this.
Before the Proposal: A Kintsugi Course by Gold & Behold
And off we go! To a studio near Beauty World Shopping Centre. The unsuspecting girl took public transport by herself to Beauty World station, where LC and wife and myself met up. Our married couple played along really well; Minmin totally didn’t suspect anything.

The workshop was hosted by a friendly lady called Winnie. She is the owner of her brand – Gold & Behold. Prior to this I’ve informed her this would be a surprise for Minmin. So she played along damn well too. She taught us the process of creating the gold binding agent with resin and epoxy and gold dust. And then taught us how to break the bowls and plates carefully without smashing them into too tiny bits. I carefully smacked my plate into 2 exact halves, while Minmin stupidly smashed hers into many pieces. This was the perfect opportunity for me because I would be able to finish my craft faster than hers and leave the studio to get changed. I hope everyone was enjoying though, it was butterflies for me while they were having fun!

The Moment of Truth – Will She Say Yes?
Now the moment is here for me to go out to “take a shit”. Pretty normal, Minmin didn’t suspect anything at all. Gluing the pieces with gold and having fun is more important than whether I truly had a tummyache. Thanks ah. William was waiting for me at the staircase landing. I had to take this opportunity to change right here right now. Nobody’s gonna complain about one guy holding a bunch of roses, and another guy in his underwear acting real suspicious in a dark staircase landing right? And so luckily for us, a random passerby walked past. He pretended he didn’t see anything hahahaha.

The mission was a great success. I managed to pull off the proposal during this special moment, a unique Kintsugi workshop. Thanks to my pals for being here with me today.

Information About Gold & Behold
Address: Stay Gold Studio by Gold & Behold, 48 Hillview Terrace #05-02A, Singapore 669269
Communication Hours: 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday
Website: https://goldandbehold.co/