Category Kyoto


Day 7: Arashiyama and the Sagano Ride

The Arashiyama Bamboo Groove Again we woke up super early to start our day. After losing to the crowds at Fushimi Inari yesterday, we are determined to beat them at Arashiyama today. We are Singapore, Singaporean. Kiasu is in our…


Day 6: Torii Gates and Two Kimonos

Fushimi Inari Taisha Had breakfast prepared by Okami-san before heading out to Fushimi Inari Taisha. So nice of her to have prepared some bites for us even though our accommodation didn’t include breakfast for today. Today we learnt that Japanese…


Day 5: Kyoto, the City of Temples

From Osaka, to Kyoto Experience has taught me that hotels in Japan can and will look after your luggage while you travel to other regions. Provided you come back for another stay that is! We left our luggage back at…