A Trip Out to the Big Buddha Area
Yesterday we purchased a City Sightseeing tour package that would bring us around to Big Buddha, Wat Chalong, and to check out the elephant rides. But before that, the first thing that made our day is the ride down our resort. Sets the adrenaline pumping yo!
Breakfast was a repeat of the previous day’s. The breakfast spread was equally decent, so we ain’t complaining. In fact, we love the bacon so much!

Baby Elephant Tour
The tour bus was scheduled pick us up at 8am. At first we were skeptical, it was 815 but they weren’t here. Hopefully we didn’t just get cheated of our money. Luckily though, they were just late. We started off with the elephant tour, but our package didn’t include an elephant ride. Oh, the ambiguity of our “tour”. Nevertheless, we were given an option to top up to ride these creatures but we chose not to. Here’s why.
The other folks on our tour group went for the ride though. So while waiting for the others, we decided to just feed the baby elephant. She’s so cute isn’t it? She looks so happy playing with us. And I’m sure she was trained to smooch her visitors.

And since we still had lots of time, might as well check out the macaw section. Somewhat like our Jurong Bird Park, except they only had 3 of these birds in the farm. Bought some of its feed to treat it, and take some mandatory tourist shots.

Big Buddha Mountain
Next up on the journey was to the Big Buddha Temple. Along the way up they let us off at a viewpoint. There wasn’t a specific name for this point, they just called it the mountain. The view was rather spectacular I must admit, and very windy indeed.

The Great Buddha of Phuket
We finally arrived at the Big Buddha Temple. This Buddha is really big, like literally. Zero points of the creativity in its name though. Before entering the place, ladies with shorts or revealing clothes need to be covered up, for the purpose of respect for the Gods and monks. Minmin was in shorts, therefore she has to don the sarong.

The area was really an eye-opener. No doubt a touristy spot, but there were also several others on a pilgrimage, as well as monks going about their daily chants. We found this wishing tree thingy, supposedly for well wishes duh. Like all temple establishments, they use donations to upkeep the area. Why not make a small donation to this place, and write our wishes too!

Wat Chalong
Next, was Wat Chalong. What? No, wat. A wat is a sacred Buddhist precinct; also, in layman terms, temple. Wat Chalong wasn’t as majestic as the previous one. However, the interior was as beautifully decorated. As you can see, Minmin has a different sarong right now. We’re starting to feel very holy right now.

Cashew Nut Factory and Bee Farm
As with all tour packages, the agencies get commissions when they bring their bus of tourists to buy certain touristy products. As Singaporean as we can be, we refused to buy it here because I’m sure we can get the same produce elsewhere, at a cheaper rate. Probably only 30 cents SGD cheaper, but whatever. Did our part by trying out all the different flavored cashew nuts that were meant for sampling, and giving them false hopes (sorry…) that we’d buy a few packs.

Tour end. The very last stop was some gemstone store. Hello? Why would I buy a diamond necklace after a tour to the Buddha temples? We wished we could afford it, but sadly we’re not the right target audience.
Banzaan Fresh Market
The driver dropped us near the Jungceylon area, and we went to search for lunch. Yesterday we drove paste the Banzaan market area, so we went along to visit that place. I’ve also read that that’s the place to go for seafood. However, I’d advise against looking too friendly over here. These stall owners would body-contact you as though you’re their buddy. It’s ok to touch my arm and what not, but it’s not ok if you just touched that stack of raw fish.
The area is quite deserted in the day, not much of a choice. So we went to have lunch at the same place as yesterday. This time round we ordered something else. Tom yum soup and green curry chicken. Tom-yummy!

Jet-skiing in the Andaman Sea
Went to the beach again, this time round we decided to try out the jet-ski that we didn’t do yesterday. Obviously weren’t allowed to bring phones along, therefore no pictures of our activity. We had to place our belongings with those folks, I had to constantly check them out in case they steal our stuff. As paranoid as we were, we knew there’s nothing we could do if they so decide to run off with our bags, because we are far out in the water. Overall, it was fun though a little scary at the start. Initially, Minmin refused to try it out because she was afraid. I know I shouldn’t be dragging you to do this (without proper insurance coverage!) but it is fun isn’t it?
Bangla Street and Beyond Night Market
Went back to our room to shower and rest for awhile before heading to Bangla street. This is the Clark Quay of Patong area. Music blasting everywhere, neon lights and cheers from every corner.

Walked to Beyond Night Market for dinner. There seemed to be more tourists here than the other one yesterday. Each day we’d try not to repeat the food, but I guess we’re running out of options.

After a tiring day, what’s better than a traditional Thai foot massage? The streets were full of massage parlors, and only costs like 10 SGD per person for an hour. It’s Minmin first time doing leg massage, she kept laughing because it was ticklish. Some 20 minutes into the session, we fell asleep. Feels so good after the foot massage! Tomorrow we will be heading to another location in Phuket!